The Study

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Dosing of a Single Compound to Establish Causality in Dietary Interventions & Enable Clinically Valid Health Decisions

“Inconsistent and contradictory results from nutrition studies conducted by different investigators continue to emerge, in part because of the inherent variability of natural products, as well as the unknown and therefore uncontrolled variables in study populations and experimental designs.” — The Challenge of Reproducibility and Accuracy in Nutrition Research: Resources and Pitfalls This ad-free article […]

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Basic Scientific Lab Standards — Best Practices for a Replicable Dietary Intervention

NOTES: All of the best practices described below have been developed and hands-on tested in an actual dietary intervention study as feasible and minimally disruptive in a commercial-standard kitchen. The kitchen must be treated as a laboratory; a recipe is a protocol; foods are reagents; every item used in preparation and cooking is equipment and […]

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Micro- and Nanoplastics: Health Implications

This ad-free article is made possible by the financial support of the Center for Research on Environmental Chemicals in Humans: a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation for continued biomedical research. Microplastics are generally those fragments that are less than five millimeters in size. However, a single microplastic fragment rarely stays the same size.   Whether […]

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Yet Another Reason the Stealth Syndromes Human Study is Needed

The Retraction Watch website shared an article about null hypothesis testing — “Almost 40% of peer-reviewed dietary research turns out to be wrong” — which illustrates why direct, experimental studies on humans (like our study) can yield more accurate and reproducible data than statistical methods. This ad-free article is made possible by the financial support […]

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The Need & Difficulties of Controlling Micronutrients in The Diet of Test Subjects When Dealing With Endocrine & Epigenetic Disrupting Compounds

Designing the perfect experiment to answer the questions that you set out to study can be extremely complicated. There could be something in your protocol that you didn’t even think would be a problem that might turn out to be your worst nightmare.  For us, controlling for nutrition and diet might be a necessary component […]

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The Importance of Addressing the Previously Unaddressable

The outcome of this study may make a substantial contribution by definitively and credibly evaluating the human effects of endocrine disruptors and other environmental chemicals. This ad-free article is made possible by the financial support of the Center for Research on Environmental Chemicals in Humans: a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation for continued biomedical research. […]

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Details: Moving from Approved Protocol to Planning

The excitement built into the science of an approved study eventually has to give way to the operational details grunt work. I have been compiling possible candidates for collaborators and labs to conduct the blood/EDC/epigenetic/DNA break testing. This ad-free article is made possible by the financial support of the Center for Research on Environmental Chemicals […]

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