The Study

Mice Are Not People: Why The Most Important Studies Done With Them Ultimately Fail In Humans

Pharmaceutical studies are among the most demanding scientific investigations because the results can be a matter of life or death. Astonishingly, 92% of drugs deemed safe and effective in animals, fail when tested in humans.

The murine model — mostly mice and sometimes rats — is invaluable in the preliminary stages of investigating pharmaceuticals and toxic chemicals. However, when the ultimate decision needs to be made — such as approving a drug for use — only human experimental subjects will suffice. In many other types of studies, human tests are vital, but cannot be performed for ethical reasons.

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But when ethical and practical concerns can be accommodated, humans are the gold standard. And when that gold standard is used, it surpasses murine test results about 90% of the time.

Here is some background on how rats became star test subjects: Rats are Not Little People — But Science Assumes That They Are.

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