The Study

Inflammation, PM2.5 and Serious Health Effects

Particulate pollution, especially those of 2.5 microns or smaller — has been demonstrated to cause, promote, or aggravate numerous serious health effects including inflammation and specific syndromes involving the immune system, diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease as well as neurological and psychological maladies.

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Health effects of ultrafine particles: a systematic literature review update of epidemiological evidence

Exposure to airborne fine particulate matter is associated with impaired endothelial function and biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation

Ambient particulate air pollution and circulating C-reactive protein level: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Oxidative stress and the cardiovascular effects of air pollution

Ambient particulate air pollution and circulating C-reactive protein level: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Particulate Matter Exposure and Stress Hormone Levels

Shou Y, Huang Y, Zhu X, Liu C, Hu Y, Wang H. A review of the possible associations between ambient PM2.5 exposures and the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2019;174:344-352. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.02.086

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Air pollution and inflammation in type 2 diabetes: a mechanism for susceptibility

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Particulate Matter Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease

Associations of Short-Term and Long-Term Exposure to Ambient Air Pollutants With Hypertension

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