The Study

Sourcing the Menu: Water & Beverages

NOTE: This is an edited version of portions of Appendices 2 & 3 of the “Revised Stealth Syndromes Study Protocol as approved by the University of California San Francisco Medical School Committee on Human Research.

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Standards and Sourcing (From Appendix 2)


All water consumed and/or used for cooking, washing, drinking or used to irrigate self-grown plants will be obtained from a commercial device using a solid-block carbon filter and certified by NSF for reduction of BPA and phthalates. One such device is the Aquaversa filter from Multipure which uses a carbon block filter that lists BPA among its contaminant reduction list. The list does not mention phthalates. However, the list does cover many chemical with similar phenolic structures.

If study funds are available, it would be valuable to determine BPA and phthalate levels in the water water before the filter and afterwards.

In addition, independently published research indicates that other types of carbon filters are effective in reducing many harmful compounds including organic chemicals.


Only locally roasted and ground beans will be used.

Provider will be selected on the smallest amount of plastic involved. Beans and grounds will be handled with metal or glass only and packed in glass jars.

Beans will be ground in a mill with no plastic components.

The beans will be prepared using either an all glass and stainless steel French press or a stainless steel percolator with all metal parts.

Also acceptable is the Moka pot-style espresso maker or a pour-over, glass and metal coffee maker with water from an all metal tea kettle. All metal wire basket for grounds must be used, no filter paper.

If an automatic drip system can be located with no plastic ever touching the water or coffee stream, that will be obtained and used.

The weakest links in drip coffee makers that appear to be all glass and/or metal usually lies in plastic tubing that connects the heating element to the water reservoir, the hot water application tube, and the filter basket.


No tea will be allowed. Like spices, the extensive harvest, curing, processing, and packaging offers many contamination routes.

Also like spices, the tiny fragments that compose tea increase the surface area capable of acquiring chemical contamination.

Soft drinks

Highly processed. Not allowed in the study diet.

Fruit juice

No commercial juices allowed. Highly processed. Not allowed in the study diet.

Freshly prepares using no plastic contact. In general, whole fruits are a healthier alternative to juices.

Beer and wine

No commercial products allowed. All are extensively processed using plastic.

Sourcing ingredients

All food items will be sourced from the provider. All provider locations will be personally visited and inspections made of their premises, equipment and processes.

For rationale, see:

  • Avoiding Microplastics, biosolids and nano particles
  • Sourcing the Menu: Water & fertilizers: Ubiquitous contamination sources.